Tuesday, January 4, 2011


So looks like I feel asleep to early yesterday to make my everyday post. But it's
A-okay, I can just do a double day report for today.

Well yesterday not much happened, I went to see a movie with my sister and her Boyfriend. It was called the Black Swan... It wasn't my kind of movie. I was basically closing my eyes curled up in a ball for half the movie, there were things I didn't want to see... Ever.
But I can't say it was completely bad, it had a thing about that was just artistic and different for sure.

Other than the movie and school, the day itself was just; "eh".

Now moving on to today, I don't think I will start writing about it right now, I'm gonna head to school and than I will continue this. 'Til than, peace.

*Ten Hours Later...*

So my 4th day went by, and I have nothing I feel the need to report.
I'm tired, so very tired, and I don't see the importence of writing out a long boring report on just how boring and meaningless my day actually was. So I'll say this, I left for school, I got to school, I wanted to leave school, I got out of school, and I got home. That is it, you can add whatever smaller details you see fit.
'Til tomorrow, goodnight.

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