Friday, May 6, 2011

May 6th

My goodness. The days keep passing, and the months begin flying by.
I don't I know how many times it'll take me to rememeber that fact. The fact of, time keeps on going. And before you know it, you come to a point where you think it all went to fast.

Besides all that, I just want to get things done. Be able to say I've accomplished something. Something constructive and meaningful.

I want to learn, everything and anything. I want to work towards being a jack of all trades. Have my feild in no solid or common ground. Have it be where I please, and have it change direction when something else has caught my eye.

I want to learn Japanese, and travel there. Seeing all there is to see with my own eyes. To live, feel and breathe what exactly it is I am learning. And I bet you that will lead to me getting into all types of different cultures.

I want to be involved in a cause, a place where people believe strongly enough in something to get together and make effort, take action and work towards what needs to be done and accomplished.

I want to feel I'm making progress.

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