Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May 24th

Guess where I am!
I'm at school (6th hour Ceramics), on one of the schools Macs.
Lol, I have no idea why I'm so pumped about this.

Well I don't know if I've stated that I am Home Schooled on here, but I am. Don't be confused. I only enrolled in elective classes this school year, I'm technically not a real student (I won't be in the year book, that's for sure).

Though I don't come everyday anymore ('cuz I'm down to one elective class), and well I've finished with most all my pieces. So there's no point in coming daily, unless I just want some place to sit around and have absolutely nothing to do (which I can get in the comfort of my own home).

But today I am doing exactly what I try and avoid. My teacher (I don't blame her, she's one good hard working teach) told me today (Tuesday) was the day my pieces were going to come out of the 'cooker thingy'? So this would be the day I'd come in to work on my stuff. But she got a little behind and they weren't out when we thought they'd be.

SO that leads as to why I am sitting around, playing on the computer during my whole hour! Yuppers.

Well I still feel accomplished, I woke up at 6:21am this morning. And when the sun came out, I laid out in the sun did push up, leg ups, and try to run around a bit picking up stuff around the yard ('cuz it's a whole lot faster and easier to tan when you're moving about everywhere, lol).

I plan to get on a normal and healthy sleeping schedule, as well as becoming a ton more active. I only pray I will actually live up to everything I say and set as goals for myself. I've had far to many failures.

Well looks like I got about 20 more minutes until the bell rings... I feel as if it'll take foreverrr~~

Ah well, I'll try and report more often. To push myself to accomplish the things I have planned, so I have something of worth to type x)

Friday, May 6, 2011

May 6th

My goodness. The days keep passing, and the months begin flying by.
I don't I know how many times it'll take me to rememeber that fact. The fact of, time keeps on going. And before you know it, you come to a point where you think it all went to fast.

Besides all that, I just want to get things done. Be able to say I've accomplished something. Something constructive and meaningful.

I want to learn, everything and anything. I want to work towards being a jack of all trades. Have my feild in no solid or common ground. Have it be where I please, and have it change direction when something else has caught my eye.

I want to learn Japanese, and travel there. Seeing all there is to see with my own eyes. To live, feel and breathe what exactly it is I am learning. And I bet you that will lead to me getting into all types of different cultures.

I want to be involved in a cause, a place where people believe strongly enough in something to get together and make effort, take action and work towards what needs to be done and accomplished.

I want to feel I'm making progress.