Sunday, February 20, 2011


It's my brothers 15th Birthday, so I definitely need to state that.
Though at this moment I'm not at home to celibrate it as I should. I'm at my relatives, have been since friday.

But within the last couple days I've been feeling so very blessed. Is it because the relationships of family make me feel so loved, or perhaps another reason?
Whatever it may be; I am blessed. And I hope to spread that around as well as feeling loved, guided, comforted and protected.

I do not know who everyone is to their core and what anyone thinks or belives. I simply know what I believe, what I stand by. And someday I hope to talk to someone, to open up. Tell them my troubles, beliefs, thoughts, opinions, and where I stand. At some point in time; I'm going to want someone to know me, I'm going to want to speak and open my mouth and try so that person understands who I am and where I'm coming from. But I think that time will only come when that one person (or more) will listen, ask and want to know who I am in return. And cared enough for me to try their best to understand who I myself am.

Friday, February 18, 2011


Life. Just life has been going on the last couple weeks. That could mean things went the same, things were boring, fun, eventful, uneventful, interesting or uninteresting... And so, it could have gone one way or the other; or a mix of both. But I think this time I'll leave it at this. All that I've been living through, and simply experiencing. Is for me to look back on and remember, not to write as it happens and have it to look back on and recall. But to remember these times or certain experience when the time comes for me to recall it. If perhaps I have a lesson to learn, or a good memorie to show myself better days. This isn't something I need to do. Writing or trying to write everyday of every important or unimportant episode. I have enough pointless things on my mind, and trying to remember these supposed to be care free days bit by bit is something completely unnessicary. It's something that only draws myself back all the more. I want to find the times where everything I did every day that passed were never something I had to plan or work or change to my liking. I just want it to take care of itself, as said in a certain verse I cannot seem to recall at the moment. But I certainly hope no I pray that I will find that place again, where I am just a child, the child I am.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Ha. Funny to think I've completely forgotten to keep up with this. Shame on me.

Well I'll try and recover what I have walked through these last couple weeks.
We in Michigan are in a new semester. I got my haircut (to about my jaw-line)... I started working out again. Getting over a cold (sore throat, runny nose type deal). Passed the first semester with good grades (though I went over the certain amount of absentences you're allowed to have. So in a way I failed lol). Haven't meet anyone new since the first month of school... I think I got taller, but not all within the last month haha just in general of the last few months I guess... Still nobody has caught my eye (kinda hopin' to get this love & marriage thing over with; so there's one less pointless thing I think about... LOL). STILL haven't started on the YouTube idea. I am legally able to get my license tomorrow (in a hour), but I still haven't taken my last drivers test, because mother doesn't want me to drive, so she's delaying it with everything she's got. Still have a crappy relationship with God, and yes it's entirely my fault. I'm still a big baby. I feel I'm not going to stay in school much longer, I don't see much gain from it anymore, it lost it's apeal.
It's snowing a lot, or at least it's supposed too, so there isn't any school tomorrow. Hopefully the day after that as well.
I really can't wait to drive anymore... But the Honda Accord still got a few problems (battery based). Still unmotivated and self-conscious. Feel like everyone will hate and judge me if I even look at them or think about talking to them. People are scary, no more like teenagers are... *Gulp*

But yeaahhh that's all I got for now. Not much more I can think of to report. So peace out, and watch out for all under the age of 21... They're seriously out to get you... Like Metally. Break you from the inside, with their mind games O_O